A Call to Ruby Leaders: Shape the Future Together

Team Avatar - Errol Schmidt
Errol Schmidt October 9, 2024

Attention passionate Ruby leaders (Heads of Technology, Founders, CEOs, CTOs, CIOs, or IT Managers in the Ruby community) who want to see the language thrive. You might have tried conferences and meetups, but they haven't offered the deep insights that you need as a manager or leader. You may even feel isolated in your desire to push Ruby forward, and your voice heard.


As we stand on the precipice of a new era in technology, the Ruby community finds itself once again in a position to be the future of web apps. The language, often seen as a niche choice, has evolved into a powerful tool that drives innovation across industries and is the language of choice for world-leading organisations like Shopify, Twitter, Github, Mailchimp. Yet, to ensure its continued growth and relevance, we need a collective effort from its most passionate and influential members.


At reinteractive, we believe that Ruby's future is not solely determined by technological advancements but by the collective wisdom and leadership of its community.


With this in mind, reinteractive is taking a step forward and is hosting a leadership dinner at Rubyconf Chicago, where the brightest minds in the Ruby community can come together, free from the constraints of daily operations. Our goal is to provide the space for open dialogue and honest discussions, hoping this can lead to groundbreaking insights and innovative solutions.


Together, we can propel Ruby to new heights. By embracing our roles as leaders, advocating for its growth, fostering a diverse and inclusive community, and supporting one another, we can ensure that Ruby remains a vibrant, innovative language for years to come. Let's make a statement to the world: Ruby is not just going places; it's leading the way.


Let's lay the foundation for an even stronger, forward-focused Ruby leadership community where collaboration and cooperation are the norm, ideas are exchanged freely, and everyone feels empowered to contribute. This is the kind of community we strive to foster at reinteractive, and we believe that our dinner at Rubyconf in Chicago will be a significant step towards achieving this goal.


Join us For a Ruby Community Leadership Dinner

Date: Wednesday, November 13th
Time: 7pm
Location: The Gage, Chicago

Limited spots available!

Register now to RSVP: https://reinteractive.com/rubyconf-chicago-dinner-for-industry-leaders

reinteractive RubyConf in Chicago Sponsor


Ps. if you have any questions

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