Custom Software Development Company

Software Developers

reinteractive is a Ruby On Rails custom software development company.

reinteractive is a leading software development company operating across the world. We develop bespoke and tailored web and mobile-based software for startups and small, medium and large enterprise customers. We can satisfy the requirements of various verticals, including retail, health, finance, government and more.

Let’s Start a Conversation
You’re always welcome to call or email. | AUS +61 2 8019 7252 | USA +1 415 745 3250

Why Choose reinteractive For Your Custom Software Development?

reinteractive has over a decade of experience developing software from the ground up for a very wide and diverse customer base. Our developers are hired for their ability to work with teams, communicate exceptionally well, and build within a budget.

Tailored Solutions

In developing a new application for web or mobile, our first step is always a thorough UX/scoping process. This can take several weeks and is your opportunity to work through the exact features that you need for your MVP, who your users will be, and what their expectation will be. We can then build a prototype around that, and once signed off by your stakeholders, we can scope and estimate the exact solution for you - and this is all before a single developer has started work.

We don’t use a cookie cutter approach - every application is different, with unique third party integrations, a unique user base, and features that only your users will expect. By listening to you and researching each of these we can tailor an exact solution.

Technical Support

Once your application has been built by our team the work does not end there. Typically after launch you will look for further features and iteration of your application. And when you are not actively building new features, your application is maintained by our industry leading CodeCare service.

On the infrastructure side, you need to make sure the application and database are monitored and backed up continuously, deployments occur as expected, rollbacks are seamless where needed, access is strict, scaling (up and down) occurs proactively and server failures recover quickly. We take care of this 24/7 in OpsCare so that your users have maximum uptime.

Easy Management

During your development phase we will assign a Project manager who will step you through everything needed on your side including decision making, testing and deployments. We don’t require you, as the Product owner, to have any vast technical experience. Our tooling and staff will be able to walk you though the management process.

Updates and Feedback

During development you will have a daily meeting with your development team. They will discuss work ongoing, and you can bring up any feedback from your own testing or observations. We also establish a dedicated Slack channel to your project for continual feedback and discussion, as well as scheduling additional meetings as needed. We know that a very high level of communication is key to a successful project.

Custom Software Development

reinteractive - software development

Our Custom Software Development Solutions

reinteractive provide the full service for custom software development - everything from the initial consultation, UX and design workshops and full prototyping, through to development, infrastructure management and ongoing support.

Custom Software Consulting Services

From our very first meeting we are going to be working to understand your business, the unique problems that you are trying to solve, and what the limitations might be. Our first service for development services is a long term in-depth workshop that works to understand and validate your software needs, working out the feasible features and iterations of future work, planning this all out in a comprehensive UX and systems architecture, then finally scoping and estimating your project. We believe that by spending time and effort on the front end of your project before we commit any code, we can avoid costly mistakes or changes later on.,

Custom Software Product Development

Withe the extensive and detailed scope now worked out, and your sign off, we get to work developing your software. A normal project will have around three developers plus a project manager working at the same time. We work using agile principles, which means that we can pivot or change scope as we are working where a change in circumstances dictates it.

Custom Mobile App Development

Our Senior developers are skilled in desktop and mobile app building. With many years of experience in the technologies involved, we have many very happy clients in mobile app development. ur typical architecture invovles writing a backend code that can be easily updated by the team and deploying a front end to the mobile app stores (Apple App Store and Google Play) that can take advantage of the mobile phoine features and technology.

Custom Web App Development

Our desktop software development process is much the same - by understanding the limitations of the in-browser experience, we can develop software that easily ports to different screen and browser sizes. This type of software development is usually less expensive then going directly to a mobile app, and for many clients, is preferable over an app at all (such as a building an internal business tool).

Custom Cloud Application Development

Software built in the cloud generally just means that the application you are running is located on a server that is remote from. The application is generally interacted with through a web browser or as a mobile app, with the database and comnputationj being done on that remote server, rather than directly on the device you are on. this means that only the result or view needs to be sent to you, reducing local computing time.

Our Custom Software Development Process

We start our process with a series of in-depth interviews to understand your scope, then move to our paid UX/Design/scoping workshop. Once complete we can estimate, and get started on the development of your MVP version of your application. We follow up development with either further iterations, or on going support and maintenance so that your application keeps running at its best.

Initial Consultation & Scoping

We conduct a series of initial consultations with you (either in person or online). In these we seek to understand the features you are looking for, any existing systems in place, your future expectation for overall architecture, and your typical users. By doing this we can help to validate your ideas and guide you on what version 1 should look like (the Minimum Viable Product). With this in mind we then start you on the first paid service - the UX/design phase. In this phase we throughly prototype the application, incorporating and adding new features along the way. The end result of this phase is a fully clickable design that is then scoped and a complete estimate for development.

Quality Assurance & Testing

Our development phase is a fully transparent process. As the client you will be on daily meetings with our developers and project manager. You will have access to the same tracking tool that they use so you can see progress in real time. As a developer finishes a feature they will test it in their local environment, have it peer reviewed by another developer, it is then sent to the staging server where it is first tested by automatic tests, and then passed to you for further testing. Once approved through this process then that feature is marked as done (or worked on until it has passed the above). In addition to this, our Lead Engineer tests and challenges the approach of the developers throughout a project, ensuring the very best result for you.

Deployment & Maintenance

Software deployments (and rollbacks) will be taken care of by our team (unless this is a function you would directly like to control). Our after-development service includes hosting support - taking care of the infrastructure layer that includes the deployments, but also includes backups, scaling, security patches to the infrastructure, reboots and emergency fixes. Our CodeCare team meanwhile does bug fixes, software upgrades and patches and keeps your application secure and working from a coding viewpoint.

Software Development UI UX

Book a free consultation with a reinteractive expert

Web & Mobile Application Design & Development

Ruby On Rails Development
Ruby On Rails Web Development

Enterprise standard tools to build robust web and mobile based applications. Fast, secure, stable.

Mobile App Development
Mobile Applications

Easily maintained code bases for your native mobile application. Deploy the same code to multiple platforms

Ruby on Rails Logo
Ruby On Rails Upgrades

Upgrade your code base for security, stability and application speed

Salesforce Integration
Salesforce Integrations

Leverage your Salesforce data with integration and development leveraging the power of Heroku and other tools

Application Review
Ruby on Rails Application Review

Have an existing Rails app? Our review will give you a road map for updates and maintenance

Design workshop
App Design (UX & UI) Workshop

A through UX/Design phase, scoping, system design and project estimate with a complete software specification report

app consultation
App Consultation & Project Scoping

Hire our expert Project Management team to help scope and architect your web or mobile app

Lock and shield icon
Security Assessment

Our free Security Assessment service is designed explicitly for Rails applications highlighting potential vulnerabilities and offering actionable insights to strengthen its security.

reinteractive CodeCare shield
CodeCare Shield

With the CodeCare Shield service, we offer the solution to keep your applications secure and up-to-date with the latest Ruby on Rails versions.

reinteractive CodeCare
CodeCare Plus

Fixed hours per month of ad-hoc code support and maintenance for your Rails app

reinteractive OpsCare

Support and maintenance for your AWS or Heroku server layer with a Rails app

We helped State Library New South Wales build an award-winning transcription editing platform.

State Library of NSW

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State Library of NSW logo

Hosting millions of check-ins seamlessly for COVID Comply with zero downtime rather than building an internal operations team, it made sense to use a third-party provider - OpsCare.

Comply Group Logo

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Comply Group Logo

Norths Collective needed to roadmap a mobile web application, to digitise their membership services enabling members to access services from any device.

Norths Collective

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Norths Collective logo

Standardising the packaging industry in Australia, the APCO members application provides an industry portal.


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State Library of NSW logo
Comply Group Logo
Norths Collective logo