Press Releases and Recent News
At reinteractive, we’re really proud of what we’ve achieved and want to share it with the world.
Below is some of the more recent articles about us and news from our team.
For out more about reinteractive and how we work, check us out here.
Innovation for Corporates
reinteractive YouTube, March 2019
storeConnect - ecommerce solution on Heroku, managed in Salesforce
reinteractive YouTube, February 2019
Customize or Custom? The Real Cost of Application Development
Medium, January 2019
Sad tale of the demise of Appster — Why fixed-price software development is a death spiral
Medium, December 2018
Is my business process worth automating?
Medium, December 2018
When is the right time to do a code audit?
Medium, November 2018
State Library NSW announces partnership to make oral histories publicly accessible
Books & Publishing, October 2018
PostgreSQL vs MySQL
Medium, October 2018
Microservice or Monolith, that is the question…
Medium, October 2018
Rails Web hosting at Scale
reinteractive YouTube, September 2018
Remote Work — the 21st Century Business Model
Medium, July 2018
Utilising All of Your Data
reinteractive YouTube, April 2018
Using Mobile and Web apps to unlock the full potential of your Salesforce Investment
reinteractive YouTube, January 2018
To outsource, or not to outsource, that is the question
reinteractive YouTube, December 2017
The Five W's of Accessibility
reinteractive YouTube, November 2017
Standard Development
reinteractive YouTube, November 2017
Using the Rails Console
reinteractive YouTube, October 2017
Concept to MVP to Launch
reinteractive YouTube, September 2017
Managing a Remote Work Team
reinteractive YouTube, August 2017
Getting Software Projects Delivered on Budget
reinteractive YouTube, July 2017
Confident Software with Mikel Lindsaar
Ruby Rogues –, April 2017
Red Balloon launches staff incentive scheme platform Redii
The Sydney Morning Herald, February 2015
Feature Flags on Rails
Ruby Weekly, October 2014
Tail Call Optimisation in Ruby (MRI)
Ruby Weekly Issue 216, October 2014
Rails with Webpack - Why and How in Ruby Weekly
Ruby Weekly Issue 215, October 2014
Interesting Changes in Rails 4.2
Ruby Weekly, September 2014
Ruby on Rails InstallFest on June 24
Geek in Sydney, June 2014
Much Ado About Diversity
Sitepoint, July 2013
Learn Ruby on Rails at Installfest
Digital Sydney, March 2013
Re-inventing Agile for ABC Online
ZDNet, January 2012
Using our logos and images
If you’re using our Company logos, product screenshots, photos, and other digital assets that’s awesome. However, it does mean that you’re agreeing to the terms and conditions below:
- CodeCare® and OpsCare® and storeConnect® are trademarks of MPOL Pty Ltd and are to be correctly identified as such in any copy with the correct trademark notice used.
- Our logos and photos provided can only be used in close proximity to, or in obvious connection with, a published article or broadcast story about reinteractive’s community initiatives.
- The logos must be used as provided by reinteractive with no changes, including, but not limited to, changes in the color, proportion, or design.
- The logos may not be animated, morphed, or otherwise distorted in perspective or appearance.
- When sharing our photo packages you’ll need to accompany each with a link to the reinteractive ( or InstallFest website (, or follow each with an acknowledgement of reinteractive as the source.
- You may not copy any of our images for further distribution or commercial use without the written consent of reinteractive.
If you have questions or comments, please contact us at
Digital Assets
Company logos, product screenshots, photos, and other digital assets.
Download photo pack29 MB. Includes 16 high-res photos from past Intallfests.
Download photo pack16 MB. Includes 9 high-res photos from past DevelopmentHubs.
Free Community Workshops
We created the Ruby on Rails InstallFest and Ruby on Rails Development Hub to help introduce new people to software development and to help existing developers hone their skills. These workshops provide invaluable mentorship to train developers, addressing key skills shortages in the industry. Software development is a great career choice for all ages and these events help you get started and skilled up.
Webinars are our online portal for tips, tricks and lessons learned in everything we do. Make the most of this free resource to help you become a better developer.
The Ruby on Rails Installfest includes a full setup of your development environment and step-by-step instructions on how to build your first app hosted on Heroku. Over 1,800 attendees to date and counting.
Development Hub
The Ruby on Rails Development Hub is a monthly event where you will get the chance to spend time with our team and others in the community to improve and hone your Ruby on Rails skills.
Latest Articles from our Expert Team