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Look Out Brisbane, We're Coming!

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Rachelle LeQuesne
January 16, 2015

For those of us wanting to start a career as a Ruby developer, the reinteractive apprenticeship program is a dream come true. Many aspiring developers applied and I was lucky enough to be chosen. I’d like to think it’s because I was better or smarter or that I wowed them with my sparkling personality. But the truth is there were two things that got me over the line: 1. I am active within my local Ruby community, and 2. That particular community happens to be based in Brisbane. reinteractive is a very community-minded company and every one of us makes it a priority to give back in some way. As a company, we have been running InstallFest in Sydney and Melbourne for some time.

InstallFest is like Rails Girls for a broader audience. In the space of three hours, you will get a development environment up and running on your laptop AND have built your first working app! The team from reinteractive and local volunteer mentors are there to help with any issues you may come across and answer any questions.

Brisbane has a great Ruby community. Everyone is very friendly and helpful and passionate about what they do. It is one of the reasons I wanted to become a Ruby developer in the first place. We regularly run Rails Girls events and there is no shortage of volunteer mentors. I knew we could make InstallFest a success in Brisbane, just as we have with Rails Girls.

Brisbane has always been on the radar for InstallFest but, due to logistics and the lack of someone actually there on the ground, it had simply never happened. Until now. So if you are reading this, and you are curious about this Ruby on Rails thing you’ve been hearing about, come on down to River City Labs and join us. It’s free. There’s food and drinks. And you get to meet some great people. Let’s make the first ever InstallFest in Brisbane a big success!

When: 6.30pm, 17 March 2015
Where: River City Labs, Level 2, 282 Wickham Street, Fortitude Valley</br>
How to book: On meetup