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Want a Chance to Win a RubyConf AU Ticket?

Team Avatar - Mikel Lindsaar
Mikel Lindsaar
January 31, 2014

Next Tuesday night at our monthly Ruby on Rails Development Hub, reInteractive will be giving all new developers the chance to win one of our reInteractive RubyConf Australia tickets!

Sound awesome? It is! RubyConf AU is THE place to learn more about rails, and to rub shoulders with some of the best Australian, New Zealand and international Rubyarti! Besides, it’s being held at Luna Park, how awesome is that?

You Can Enter to Win if You:

  • are new to Rails in the past 6 months or so or have attended the InstallFest
  • are learning rails and not getting paid professionally to be a rails dev (or only just started doing so :)

How to Enter?

It’s easy, all you need to do is give a short 5 minute or less talk on your experience with Ruby so far at our next Development Hub to the attendees. Show us you want these tickets! Talk about how you are involved in the community, or what you have built, or what ideas you have in development!

We’ll pick the winners and BAM you’ll be the proud owner of a Ruby Conf AU ticket! If you haven’t signed up for Development Hub yet, then you better grab your spot now on meetup!

See you there!