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Our Weekend at RailsGirls!

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Gabriel Gizotti
November 17, 2013

This weekend our team joined hundreds of others across Sydney, Melbourne and Perth at the RailsGirls workshops across Australia.

Our awesome Developers Leonard Garvey and 22 in Sydney, Glen Crawford in Melbourne and Aaron Beckerman in Perth gave their time to help out as mentors at this great initiative.

Our Weekend in Sydney

Friday Night

The new female developers and mentors arrived on Friday night excited to get to know each other and get everything installed and their development environment setup. After guzzling down some pizza and doing a Friday Hug, we started building our Ruby skills by following along to All of a sudden this ‘Ruby’ thing started to make sense!


Many overcoming their fears of not knowing anything about Ruby or Rails, were now much more comfortable in the welcoming environment, realising that the helpful mentors were there to teach them, not judge them.

We kicked off the morning with coffee, cupcakes and some great talks explaining what Ruby on Rails is, the folder setup in Rails and all about MVC.

Then back to coding, where we started on the Rails Girls, building our very own application. Then we were stopped for some more awesome talks on the command line and learn what GitHub is all about, and the delicious lunch we sponsored arrived to keep us going!

Then, back to coding and getting our app deployed!

After a productive day of coding, we packed up and headed to the closing party to celebrate the weekend’s successes!

A special thanks to Elle Meredith, Tim McEwan and Andrew Harvey for organising the awesome Sydney event!

Looking forward to the next one!