Blog ruby-on-rails-community

Melbourne, We're Coming!

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Gabriel Gizotti
February 14, 2014

We’ve just scheduled or next Rails InstallFest in Melbourne and are excited to confirm that we’ll be running this initiative in Melbourne on the third Thursday of every second month.

The Installfest is an initiative that reInteractive started last April to help new Ruby on Rails developers get setup with their development environment. We have some great sponsors who provide us with venues, we shout the pizza and drinks and our team have written some awesome tutorial guides to get participants started. Professional Ruby and Rails developers from our team and the Community are really awesome and volunteer their time to help newbies get started. This has been key to our success.

This free event is continually growing with over 270 new developers across Sydney, Melbourne and Singapore having published their very own app live on the internet by the end of each event. We’re super excited that after running two Installfest events last year in Melbourne, we will now be running these events more frequently and can’t wait to get more newbies started.

Since we started this initiative, interest and involvement in the Sydney Community has grown tremendously, and we hope to achieve the same effect across Australia (and some day the world!).

You can find the details for our first event for 2014 below:

Date: Thursday, 20 March 2014
Time: 6.30pm
Place: Envato, 121 King Street, Melbourne
RSVP: Meetup

If you’d like to run an Installfest in your city, we’d love to help so let us know!