Blog ruby-on-rails-community

Development Hub Grows to be a Huge Success

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Gabriel Gizotti
July 30, 2013

Last night Ninefold provided us with pizza, beers and our new venue for the Development Hub, giving us the chance to get even more people involved. This hugely popular event saw more than forty mentors and developers coming along to lend a hand and hack.

Check out the pictures on our Facebook Gallery!

Our awesome Ruby and Rails mentors moved around the room sharing their expertise with developers working on their 15 minute blogs, their own exciting projects and catching up on skills for work.

We loved seeing the smiling faces of the developers as they solved their tough problems, made a leap forward on their project and did things they never thought possible in just one night.

This is why we are so excited to help as many developers as we can improve their skills and learn even more!

If you’d like to join us for August’s event¬†RSVP on the meetup page or¬†send us an email to help out as a mentor.¬†

This is what some of the smiling attendees from last night had to say:

“I think this is a great place to learn and get involved with Ruby. The atmosphere and people are amazing!” - Agustin Gambina

“It is amazing, I am so grateful for what you do!! I hope I can come again.” - Alex Matthews

“The reInteractive developers helped me with my GA homework and I got to meet others doing development.” “Friendly, helpful, fantastic.” - Tracy Mu Sung

“I got a solution to something that I spent 4 hours puzzled over today…Great event, there should be more of them!” - Harry Curotta

“It is great. I love the help!” - Frank Fu

“I will be back :)” - Ben Cochrane

“Best one so far! I learnt a lot about Ruby and Rails”

“Awesome environment with friendly people, and help there if you need it.”