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reinteractive's ABC Shop Online Project Featured on ZDNet

Team Avatar - Mikel Lindsaar
Mikel Lindsaar
November 1, 2012

In the second half of 2011, reinteractive launched into a 6 month project with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation to rewrite their online store. The project was a success and you can read our ABC Shop Online case study if you want to find out more information.

This story was also featured by ZDNet Australia in their article Re-inventing Agile for ABC Online.

At reinteractive, we are very proud of this site and what it has achieved for the ABC. Delivering on the day we said we would without any major situations proved that the Agile process can work in a large scale rewrite like the ABC and sets us up to be able to deliver this same service to similar organisations.

But it also needs to be said that the project would not have been possible without the dedicated hourly involvement of the ABC management team and developers. Getting a large organisation to embrace Agile methodologies can encounter friction points, but the ABC team handled everything that came up to make it all possible.

So to Robert, Richard, Jodie, Omar, Tom, Enrico, Steve and everyone else who was involved at the ABC thank you so much!

If you would like to contact us about working on a similar project for your organisation, please let me know