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The Year That Was and What's To Come

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Gabriel Gizotti
November 12, 2014

We can’t believe the year is already coming to an end, but we’re super proud of what we’ve achieved this year!


We’ve now been running the Installfest for over one and a half years in Sydney and Melbourne and have helped six hundred new Rails developers get set up and started with Ruby on Rails! We’ve welcomed people from all different backgrounds, ages and ethnicities, and almost one quarter of them have been women!

We’ve had so many awesome mentors from the Community that have helped us to make this happen, so thank you!

Development Hub

We run Development Hub in Sydney monthly and love that we can help everyone at any level, get more involved with the Ruby and Rails Community and get help when they need it.

For those just getting started, this is a great way to get introduced to the Community and meet some of the fantastic people in it. For those that mentor, they learn even more than they thought by teaching others and pairing with them to figure out all of those tough problems.

The support and kindness of the Community has truly helped this event grow into the success it is today.


To help people better understand the web development process and how we go about building complex web applications at reinteractive, we kicked off a series of webinars. We covered topics such as Minimum Viable Products (MVP), Iterative Web Development and Estimates in Web Development.

If you’ve missed these, you can check them out on our YouTube Channel.

Around the Community

This year we’ve sponsored and helped out with a bunch of activities in our Community including RailsGirls events and Jelly days, women who Code and Port80 meetups.

We’ve also been known to be around the community giving talks at places like RoRo Syd meetups, Ruby Melbourne, General Assembly Sydney, General Assembly Melbourne, the Sydney Agile meetup group and more!

The Year Ahead

2015 hasn’t even started yet, but we’ve already got some awesome things in the pipeline.

We’re super excited to get even more involved in the Melbourne Community. To kick off the year, we’re sponsoring this year’s RubyConf AU, helping out with the hack day, closing picnic and after party.

As well as this, along with the Installfest, we’ll be sponsoring every Melbourne Ruby Hack night for 2015!

We’re continuing our Installfest and Development Hub events in Sydney and hope to launch our first events in others states across Australia.

We’ve got a bunch of others things lined up, including training, conferences and even more - so stayed tuned!