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Some Quick Tips for Tips for Testing Your Rails App

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Mark Biegel
September 9, 2017

RSpec Mocks

by Leo Liang

Environment Variables

There might be times when you need to mock a certain value for ENV without overriding other values. This can be easily achieved as follows:

ruby before do allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).and_call_original allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).with('REPORT_ID').and_return('5707702298738688') end

This will only stub ENV['REPORT_ID'] and return value for all the other env vars.

Normally we use Timecop to set dates. But you need to remember to run Timecop.return afterwards to avoid any unexpected behaviour:

```ruby describe “some set of tests to mock” do before do Timecop.freeze(Time.local(1990)) end

    after do

    it "should do blah blah blah" do
end ```

Using Faker for Factories

by 34

Faker for Factories makes it easier when trying to create multiple records with unique validations.


Lets say we have a User model with unique email.

``` #without using Faker FactoryGirl.define do factory :user do email “” end end

FactoryGirl.create_list(:user, 25) # this will fail as the email us not unique ```

``` #with faker FactoryGirl.define do factory :user do email { } end end

FactoryGirl.create_list(:user, 25) # ‚úÖ üíµ ```