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Moving from RVM to RBENV

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Ben Wiseley
February 27, 2012

Moving from RVM to RBENV is pretty straightforward but here are some gotcha’s I ran into migrating my two system.

First: rvm implode rvm implode

At least on my system I saw a bunch of permission errors while this was running. Solve this by manually destroying .rvm after rvm implode finishes. Second: clean up left overs sudo rm -rf ~/.rvm sudo rm -rf ~/.rvmrc sudo rm -rf /etc/rvmrc Third: remove gems

I wanted to make sure I didn’t have anything kicking around from the old version so I removed all the gems.

sudo gem list | cut -d" " -f1 | xargs sudo gem uninstall -aIx

For older gem versions you might need to loose the lx options and run more than once

sudo gem list | cut -d" " -f1 | xargs sudo gem uninstall -a Fourth: install RBENV

On my system ~/.profile is my bash profile. This might be different on your system. Do a ls -la and look for .profile, .bash_profile, .bash_rc - something like that.

cd git clone git:// .rbenv

Then add this to the bottom of your ~/.profile

export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH" eval "$(rbenv init -)"

Quit and restart terminal

Fifth: install ruby-build and add you rubies git clone git:// cd ruby-build ./

Install a Ruby version and set it to be the default

rbenv install 1.9.3-p0 rbenv local 1.9.3-p0 rbenv rehash

Now’s a good time to also update your ruby-gem to the latest

sudo gem update --system

Check to make sure you’re actually using rbenv

> which ruby /Users/wiseleyb/.rbenv/shims/ruby > which irb /Users/wiseleyb/.rbenv/shims/irb > which rails /Users/wiseleyb/.rbenv/shims/rails

If things aren’t pointing where you expect try removing the /usr/bin/whatever that’s misbehaving. Reinstalling. Restarting terminal. Rechecking. This at least worked for problems I had with rails. Which I solved by:

sudo rm /usr/bin/rails sudo gem install rails # reload bash . ~/.profile