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Managing Stripe Subscription Payments in Rails

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Lucas Caton
April 6, 2018

Some Theory Before the Action

Stripe has a great API to manage subscription payments. Here we take advantage of it to implement recurring subscriptions in Rails 5.

Using the Stripe API means we do not have to store sensitive customer information like (credit card number or CVC), and the APIs are already set up to handle complex cases such as update plans, manage subscriptions, trigger refunds, and more.

We will set up the Stripe API to handle our subscriptions. We also need Stripe to tell us of ongoing payments and the failure of ongoing payments. This will be possible through webhooks, which are endpoints on our application that Stripe will use to send us details of transactions when changes happen via Stripe.

Our TO-DO list

  • We’ll create plans locally and on Stripe
  • We’ll list our plans and select one of them
  • We’ll subscribe to a selected plan
  • We’ll implement Stripe web-hooks to listen and register events locally

NOTE: We will create plans, subscriptions and customers locally since we need to have that data in our application we also want to send that data to Stripe so we can manage it through the Stripe API. NOTE: It’s important to state that we are not going to store any credit card information in our systems.

Let’s Get Started with the Code

Generating the Plan Model

Let’s create the plans table and model. Feel free to add more columns to match your own business requirements.

sh rails generate model plan payment_gateway_plan_identifier:string name:string \ price:monetize interval:integer interval_count:integer \ status:integer description:text

Plan Model


```ruby class Plan < ApplicationRecord enum status: {inactive: 0, active: 1} enum interval: {day: 0, week: 1, month: 2, year: 3}

monetize :price_cents

def end_date_from(date = nil) date ||= Date.current.to_date interval_count.send(interval).from_now(date) end end ```

Stripe Customers

Let’s add the Stripe customer id to our users table. We need a Stripe customer in order to associate it to a Stripe plan.

NOTE: I assume that you have a User model already in your application

ruby class AddPaymentGatewayCustomerIdentifierToUser < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0] def change add_column :users, :payment_gateway_customer_identifier, :string end end

Subscription Model

We need a Subscription model in order to track subscriptions locally. Of course, we will also create those subscriptions on Stripe.

sh rails generate model subscription user:references \ plan:references start_date:date end_date:date \ status:integer payment_gateway:string payment_gateway_subscription_id:string


```ruby class Subscription < ApplicationRecord belongs_to :user belongs_to :plan

enum status: {active: 0, inactive: 1, canceled: 2} end ```

Plans Controller

In order to subscribe to a plan, we need to list all the active plans, here is the controller.


ruby class PlansController < ApplicationController def index @plans = fresh_when(@plans) end end

Select a Plan

Display all the plans information and a link to the subscription page.




<% @plans.each do |plan| %>

<%= %>

<%= plan.description %>

<%= humanized_money_with_symbol(plan.price) %>

<%= link_to(“Subscribe to #{} Plan”, new_plan_subscription_path(plan)) %> <% end %> ```

Subscribe Form

Display a form with credit card details information like Card number, CVC, Expiration Month and Year. Using Stripe JS will allow us to get the payment errors (if any).


```erb <%= form_tag subscription_path, id: “subscription-form” do %>

<% end %> ```

Subscriptions JavaScript

Here we will use jQuery and Stripe JS (V2) in order to generate the Stripe Token and validate the card information. If there are no errors, the form will submit to our backend API.


```js var stripeResponseHandler;

jQuery(function() { Stripe.setPublishableKey($(“meta[name=’stripe-key’]”).attr(“content”)); $(‘#subscription-form’).submit(function(event) { var $form; $form = $(this); // Disable the submit button to prevent repeated clicks $form.find(‘button’).prop(‘disabled’, true); // Prevent form submittion Stripe.card.createToken($form, stripeResponseHandler); return false; }); });

stripeResponseHandler = function(status, response) { var $form, token; $form = $(‘#subscription-form’); if (response.error) { $form.find(‘.subscription-errors’).text(response.error.message); $form.find(‘button’).prop(‘disabled’, false); } else { token =; $form.append($(‘’).val(token)); $form.get(0).submit(); } }; ```

Application Layout

We will insert the Stripe JS (V2) script tag so we can generate the payment_gateway_token, which is going to be needed to create a Stripe subscription. Basically a Stripe Token is a key that represent our credit card information.

NOTE: I’m using Rails 5.x encrypted credentials to get the stripe public key content



Subscriptions <%= stylesheet_link_tag 'application', media: 'all' %> <%= javascript_include_tag 'application', '' %> <%= csrf_meta_tags %> <%= tag :meta, name: "stripe-key", content: Rails.application.credentials.stripe_public %> <%= yield %>


Subscriptions Controller

This controller will use a service that takes care of processing the payment (we will see the service object later).


```ruby class SubscriptionsController < ApplicationController rescue_from PaymentGateway::CreateSubscriptionServiceError do |e| redirect_to root_path, alert: e.message end

before_action :authenticate_user! before_action :load_plan

def new @subscription = end

def show @subscription = current_user.subscriptions.find(params[:id]) end

def create service = user: current_user, plan: @plan, token: params[:payment_gateway_token]) if && service.success redirect_to plan_subscription_path(@plan, service.subscription), notice: “Your subscription has been created.” else render :new end end


def load_plan @plan = Plan.find(params[:plan_id]) end end ```

Stripe Client

We need a wrapper between our application and the Stripe library. We are going to create a class to delegate all the Stripe methods. It’s going to be worth it, trust me!


```ruby class PaymentGateway::StripeClient

def lookup_customer(identifier: ) handle_client_error do @lookup_customer ||= Stripe::Customer.retreive(identifier) end end

def lookup_plan(identifier: ) handle_client_error do @lookup_plan ||= Stripe::Plan.retreive(identifier) end end

def lookup_event(identifier: ) handle_client_error do @lookup_event ||= Stripe::Event.retreive(identifier) end end

def create_customer!(options={}) handle_client_error do Stripe::Customer.create(email: options[:email]) end end

def create_plan!(product_name, options={}) handle_client_error do Stripe::Plan.create( id: options[:id], amount: options[:amount], currency: options[:amount] || “usd”, interval: options[:interval] || “month”, product: { name: product_name } ) end end

def create_subscription!(customer: , plan: , source: ) handle_client_error do customer.subscriptions.create( source: source, plan: ) end end

private def handle_client_error(message=nil, &block) begin yield rescue Stripe::StripeError => e raise end end end ```

Our Client

We are going to consume the Stripe Client methods through another class. Why? First, this will help us if we switch to another payment gateway. Second, the code is going to be extremely easy to test with this design. Another reason is because handling exceptions in this way is easy since every level has its own exceptions.


```ruby class PaymentGateway::Client attr_accessor :external_client

def initialize(external_client: @external_client = external_client end

def method_missing(args, &block) begin external_client.send(args, &block) rescue => e raise end end end ```


All of our payment gateway services will inherit from this class. Why? Because it defines the client which will be used in all of our payment gateway services.


```ruby class PaymentGateway::Service

protected def client @client ||= end end ```

Implementing Service: Create Subscription Service class

Testable code rocks that’s why we will build a service to delegate the subscription creation. As you can see our service doesn’t know anything about Stripe. It just works!


```ruby class PaymentGateway::CreateSubscriptionService < Service ERROR_MESSAGE = “There was an error while creating the subscription” attr_accessor :user, :plan, :token, :subscription, :success

def initialize(user:, plan:, token:) @user = user @plan = plan @token = token @successs = false end

def run begin Subscription.transaction do create_client_subscription self.subscription = create_subscription self.success = true end rescue PaymentGateway::CreateCustomerService, PaymentGateway::CreatePlanService, PaymentGateway::ClientError => e raise ERROR_MESSAGE, exception_message: e.message) end end

private def create_client_subscription client.create_subscription!( customer: payment_gateway_customer, plan: paymeny_gateway_plan, token: token) end

private def create_subscription Subscription.create!(user: user, plan: plan, start_date:, end_date: plan.end_date_from, status: :active) end

private def payment_gateway_customer create_customer_service = user: user) end

private def paymeny_gateway_plan get_plan_service = plan: plan) end end ```

Implementing Service: Create Customer Service class

Again, we create another service to delegate the customer creation.


```ruby class PaymentGateway::CreateCustomerService < Service EXCEPTION_MESSAGE = “There was an error while creating the customer” attr_accessor :user

def initialize(user: ) @user = user end

def run begin User.transaction do client.create_customer!(email: do |customer| user.update!(payment_gateway_customer_identifier: end end rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid, PaymentGateway::ClientError => e raise EXCEPTION_MESSAGE, exception_message: e.message) end end end ```

Implementing Service: Create Plan Service class

We’ll delegate the Stripe plan creation to the CreatePlanService


```ruby class PaymentGateway::CreatePlanService < Service EXCEPTION_MESSAGE = “There was an error while creating the plan” attr_accessor :payment_gateway_plan_identifier, :name, :price_cents, :interval

def initialize(payment_gateway_plan_identifier:, name:, price_cents:, interval:) @payment_gateway_plan_identifier = payment_gateway_plan_identifier @name = name @price_cents = price_cents @interval = interval end

def run begin Plan.transaction do create_client_plan create_plan end rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid, PaymentGateway::ClientError => e raise, exception_message: e.message) end end

private def create_client_plan client.create_plan!( name, id: payment_gateway_plan_identifier, amount: price_cents, currency: “usd”, interval: interval) end

private def create_plan Plan.create!( payment_gateway_plan_identifier:, name: name, price_cents: price_cents, interval: interval, status: :active) end end ```

Implementing Service Error Class

Let’s create the ServiceError class and its children. These will help us to handle OUR OWN application exceptions. It is a good idea to raise our own exceptions: Imagine you want to switch to another platform like Braintree… without this implementation you will have to hunt down all the places where you rescue Stripe exceptions and change them to Braintree exceptions (not so cool). This approach will simplify our lives since we will not need to worry about modifying library-specific errors all over our code. (We will talk more about this later).


```ruby class PaymentGateway::ServiceError < StandardError attr_reader :exception_message

def initialize(message, exception_message: ) # Call the parent’s constructor to set the message super(message)

# Store the exception_message in an instance variable
@exception_message = exception_message   end end

class PaymentGateway::CreateSubscriptionServiceError < PaymentGateway::ServiceError end

class PaymentGateway::CreatePlanServiceError < PaymentGateway::ServiceError end

class PaymentGateway::CreateCustomerServiceError < PaymentGateway::ServiceError end

class PaymentGateway::StripeClientError < PaymentGateway::ServiceError end ```

Creating Plans!


ruby namespace :plans do task create: :environment do plans = [ {payment_gateway_plan_identifier: "gold", name: "Gold", price_cents: 20_000, interval: "monthly"}, {payment_gateway_plan_identifier: "silver", name: "Silver", price_cents: 10_000, interval: "monthly"} ] Plan.transaction do begin plans.each do |plan|**plan).run end rescue PaymentGateway::CreatePlanServiceError => e puts "Error message: #{e.message}" puts "Exception message: #{e.exception_message}" end end end end

Stripe Webhooks

We’ll set up Stripe webhooks to listen for subscriptions changes; this will allow us to register/track subscriptions changes locally in our application. For example, you can send emails, create online notifications - or similar - to inform a user about subscription changes.

We’ll use the StripeEvent gem which will allow us to receive Stripe events in our application.

Routes so Far


ruby Rails.application.routes.draw do root to: "pages#index" devise_for :users resources :plans do resources :subscriptions end mount StripeEvent::Engine, at: '/stripe_events' end

Gemfile so Far

```ruby source “” ruby “2.5.1”

gem “rails”, “~> 5.2.0” gem “devise” gem “jquery-rails” gem “money-rails” gem “stripe” … ```

Event Model

Registering events locally is a great idea. First, because requesting info from an external API is slow. Second, this will help if you want to do analytics with the data. Third, you can customise the data. For now, let’s create a simple event model it will save all the event payload in a JSONB column.

rails generate model event payment_gateway_event_data:jsonb

Configure StripeEvent

Setting up this gem is pretty straightforward, we will tell StripeEvent which events are of interest. For now, we will only handle one event (invoice payment failed), but you can handle ALL of them if you want.


```ruby Stripe.api_key = ENV[‘STRIPE_SECRET_KEY’] StripeEvent.signing_secret = ENV[‘STRIPE_SIGNING_SECRET’]

StripeEvent.configure do |events| events.subscribe( ‘invoice.payment_failed’, end ```

Implementing Service: Get Event Service class

This class returns the Stripe event; we are paranoid that’s why we want to verify the event from Stripe.


```ruby class PaymentGateway::GetPlanService < Service attr_accessor :payment_gateway_event_identifier

def initialize(payment_gateway_event_identifier: ) @payment_gateway_event_identifier = payment_gateway_event_identifier end

def run begin get_client_event rescue PaymentGateway::ClientError => e raise“There was an error while retreiving the event”, exception_message: e.message) end end

private def get_client_event client.lookup_plan(identifier: payment_gateway_event_identifier) end end ```

Handling Events: Invoice Payment Failed class

Our invoice payment failed class will handle the Stripe event, and we will build the class in such a way that is it going to create the event locally. But you can do a lot here… For instance you can send emails, broadcast an action cable channel, or anything like that.

This class creates an event locally using the webhook information AND the verified information, we are paranoid that’s why we want to verify the event from Stripe.


```ruby class PaymentGateway::Events::InvoicePaymentFailed def call(payment_gateway_event) create_event(verified_payment_gateway_event(payment_gateway_event)) end

private create_event(event) Event.create!(JSON.parse(event.to_json)) end

private get_payment_gateway_event(event) get_plan_service = end end ```


Here is a list of important things to keep in mind while implementing webhooks:

  • Always verify that the data comes from the webhook requests
  • If you don’t verify the events from Stripe, NEVER allow access to paid services in your application because “hacking” these webhook endpoints is extremely easy.

Key Learnings

We have learned how to implement subscriptions with Stripe, we also learned how to design elegant services classes, finally we also learned how to implement Stripe webhooks.

Tips and Advice

Make sure to let your users know that you are not storing credit card information in your systems. Automated testing is really important since you are dealing with real money, but I’m not covering that in this post since it’s a large subject. Webhook testing can be done with ngrok.

Final Thoughts and Next Steps

As you can see implementing subscriptions with Stripe is pretty simple, the documentation is extremely detailed - Stripe API Reference make sure to take a look whenever you need to look example responses.