Blog ruby-on-rails-community

We're Growing the Sydney Rails Community

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Gabriel Gizotti
April 9, 2013

Last night we organised the fourth Ruby on Rails Development Hub! Almost Matenia Rossides people from the Sydney Ruby on Rails Community came along to the meetup hosted by Ninefold. Both experienced and inexperienced Developers were there learn new skills, ask questions and share their Rails experience with those around them.

Check out our photos on our Facebook Gallery.

Development Hub was originally created as a place for InstallFest attendees to go once they had Rails up and running on their laptops. Now, with the help and support of the Community it has expanded into an even bigger event and has become somewhere that participants can build on their skills in a safe and nurturing environment, ask questions and be a part of the Community.

This event has allowed not only newbies to learn more about RoR, but it has also given professionals a chance to get more involved in the Sydney Community. The volunteer mentors do an awesome job and have helped make Development Hub such a huge success!

Our Community love what they do and Development Hub gives them the opportunity to share it with others! Here is what some of our awesome attendees said about last night’s event:

“Another productive evening for learning more about Ruby and seeing what other developers are working on in a relaxed and informal environment. Thanks reInteractive for organising and Ninefold for hosting.” - Eddie Gock

“Awesome event, thanks for putting it together!” - Bradly

“Had a good time progressing on my Ruby project. Thanks for organizing it!” - Madhu

“Excellent Meetup. Thanks again all of you for making this possible!” - Agustin Gambina