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Bringing Agile to Enterprise

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Gabriel Gizotti
September 14, 2014

reinteractive Founder Mikel Lindsaar will be speaking at the upcoming October Sydney Agile meetup!

What’s the talk about?

Enterprise software development has traditionally followed a Waterfall driven approach, with long development cycles over longer periods of time. While many companies have adopted the Agile methodology, some still struggle to break the shackles of Waterfall. The many blockers that need to be passed through to get bigger processes implemented, mean that each project is slower moving to get off the ground and slower to launch. Mikel Lindsaar will show you how using Agile can help you get going, and to launch faster.

He’ll be sharing his experiences in moving large enterprise clients from their traditional Waterfall methodology to the Agile software development process, saving clients literally hundreds of thousands of dollars and months of wasted development time.

When is the event?

Date: Tuesday, 7 October 2014
Time: 5.45pm
Place: City location TBC

So, how can you persuade your team to adopt the Agile methodology? Come along to the next Agile meetup to find out!

**You can now view the recording of this talk on our YouTube Channel.