Blog ruby-on-rails-community

500 new Rails developers and counting

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Gabriel Gizotti
September 9, 2014

**We started the Ruby on Rails Installfest in April 2013, and have since helped 500 new developers get their laptops setup with a Rails development environment and build their first Ruby on Rails application.

More than a year on, we are super excited by the results coming out of this initiative.

The statistics:

1/4 of Installfest attendees have been women.

1/4 of Installfest attendees have had no previous development experience.

3/4 of Installfest attendees have had some previous development experience, but wanted to know more about Rails.

1/2 of Installfest attendees have gone on to attend Development Hub or similar events to continue their Rails learning.

Where are they now?

The awesome part about my job is seeing the results of our team’s hard work. It is so exciting to see that those who truly want to pursue their Rails journey have been able to do so.

Our Development Hub initiative has helped many new to Rails find a mentor to work closely with and provides a safe and nurturing environment to work in. No matter their day job, Development Hub attendees are able to keep their Rails skills sharp and continue to grow month in and month out as they are welcomed into a focused work space by our awesome Community.

Some of their stories

The best part about running these initiatives is hearing from those that have truly made their Rails dreams come true. Here are just a couple of stories from those that were happy to share their successful journeys.

“Last year I attended a web development evening course at General Assembly, and on the recommendation of my instructor decided to attend some Ruby community events. At my first Development Hub I was nervous and didn’t really know anyone, so I just sat down at a table and started working on my class ‘homework’. It wasn’t long before experienced developers came up to me and asked me what I was working on and offered helpful advice. It was such a good experience that I have been to every Development Hub since and have built strong relationships with people in the Ruby community.

Attending Development Hub gives me the confidence to keep coding, knowing that there is always going to be someone who will be able to help me get through any problems I encounter.

I have never experienced this kind of professional generosity before, and I don’t think people will believe how helpful and lovely these people are, unless they come and give it a go.” - Tracy Mu Sung

We are so proud of Tracy who has taken her Rails journey to the next level, moving on from her own marketing business to become a Junior Rails developer in Sydney. Congratulations Tracy!

“When I stumbled upon Installfest last year I knew it was an opportunity I could not miss, and I wasn’t wrong. After attending Installfest I was immediately equipped with basic Ruby on Rails knowledge. Most importantly, it provided me with an incredibly supportive community who continue to help me on my journey today.

I love that I am part of a community that is filled not only with people who are guiding me along the way but also amazing people who are learning with me.” - Nadia Vu

Nadia recently graduated with a marketing degree, but after much practice and persistence has taken on a role as a full time intern developer. We are so excited for you Nadia!

Congratulations to the many Installfest graduates and those who continue their Rails journey supported by our awesome Rails Community. We look forward to hearing from many others about their successful journeys!

What next?

As always, we have plenty of exciting news in the pipeline, so stay tuned!