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Changing of the Guard

Team Avatar - Mikel Lindsaar
Mikel Lindsaar
October 24, 2013

One of the things you need to come to grips with when you start expanding an organisation like reinteractive is that while you try and keep as much stability as possible, and make the work environment as awesome as possible for your team, eventually, individuals want to move on and take up other opportunities.

And so, I want to announce that as of the 23rd of October, 2013, Jason Stirk has moved on to new opportunities. Jason has been with us since December 2010, almost 3 years of hard, dedicated service and I thank him for all the work he has put in to help bring reinteractive up from two team members when he joined, to the sixteen it is today.

It’s not often you get to work with someone as conscientious as Jason. Jason has an amazing skill that I am sure will benefit him in the future, and that is his work ethic and attention to detail are some of the highest of anyone I have met. He has an amazingly cool head when it comes to pressure and overall in the last 3 years, I just really enjoyed working with him.

Moving forward, we are definitely going to keep expanding. James McGrath has taken over the Development Manager post and with Glenn Davy holding the Operations Manager post, Chloe holding the Community Manager post and our amazing team of developers, who I humbly believe are simply amongst the best in the industry, the future is bright for reinteractive.

So Jason, this is an open letter (obviously) to say “thank you”. Your work at reInteractive has been greatly appreciated and I hope you and yours do well in the future, whatever it may be, and where ever it may carry you. We will continue to carry the flag here at reinteractive and we’ll do you proud, building on the foundations you helped put in place over the past 3 years to be the best Ruby on Rails Development focused company in Asia Pacific and beyond. Mikel