
Mikel Lindsaar Presents at Sydney Dev Camp

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Gabriel Gizotti
January 5, 2013

Last night, founder of reInteractive, Mikel Lindsaar was invited to speak to the students of Sydney Dev Camp’s first ever course.

His informal presentation gave the new developers the chance to get the most out of it, looking to them for feedback on what they wanted to hear. He shared some of his tips about Ruby gems, the importance of contributing to open-source development, and also gave them some pointers on finding employment in the Ruby on Rails community.

Sydney Dev Camp is a new initiative giving those looking for the opportunity, the chance to become a confident web developer in a 10 week intensive training program. The graduates of this course will attend a <a href=””title= Career Fair”>Career Fair</a> on June 12 and Sydney Dev Camp are currently taking enrolments for their next program due to start on July 8 .

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