
2012-2013 reinteractive Retrospective

Team Avatar - Mikel Lindsaar
Mikel Lindsaar
June 30, 2013

Wow. Another year has flown by faster than I would care to admit. It seems like only a few short months since my last retrospective, but those months have been packed with excitement and expansion.

  • We launched the Ruby on Rails Install Fest with over 60 new developers setup
  • We launched the Ruby on Rails Development Hub
  • Jason Stirk became our Production Manager
  • Sean Geoghegan became our very first Technical Lead
  • 48 was appointed as our very first Community Manager
  • Our development team grew and became more diverse with a full time UX team member
  • We built some amazing apps for our clients
  • I was asked to keynote Australia’s first Ruby Conference
  • We sponsored Sydney’s first Rails Girls event
  • We delivered just over 18,000 hours of development, up from 12,000 last year and 4,000 the year before
  • And our revenue increased by 2.5 times during an economic downturn

In this country we have our fair share of government issues and economic problems. Australia was quite lucky in dodging the global financial crisis bullet and we haven’t suffered as much as some other countries have, but the news is still all bad. It seems like the only reason you would want to turn on the telly at the end of the night these days is if you have a particularly great day and needed to come back down to earth!